This year I’ve been lucky enough to come across several noteworthy short story collections. Greener Pastures is one of those. Comprised of eleven quiet tales that take on the genre “weird horror,” these stories seep into the skin and take root in the marrow.
This is not a collection which yields its fruits easily. One must work for it. I found myself skimming a bit last night as I grew tired and I realized things were going over my head. I had to reread a few passages. That wasn’t the book’s fault; it was mine. As Stephen King once said, good books don’t give up their secrets all at once. Quite often these stories went in directions I wasn’t expecting. This author is daring and unafraid, and it shows.
I think my personal favorite is “The Inconsolable,” or maybe the title story. Heck, they’re all winners! A worthy addition to the collection of anyone who enjoys tales of quiet and cosmic horror, this is a collection literary tales not to be missed.